Welcome to BDEcalibrations Home of the World's Quickest AWD LTG!!

Welcome to BDEcalibrations – where passion meets precision in GM Gen5, LTG tuning and GM 6l45 6-speed transmission calibrations. We're not just a team; we're a community of enthusiasts, united by our dedication to pushing the boundaries of performance and innovation. At BDEcalibrations, our journey into this market is fueled by a genuine love for creating new experiences, rigorously testing products, and using our experiences to benefit the community. We've partnered with Xtreme-DI as distributors of XDI fuel systems, which we believe to be the best DI craftsman on the market. But our expertise is more than just our products – it's in every calibration and tuning service we provide, driven by passion and a quest for perfection. Our commitment? To offer personalized, expertly crafted solutions that transform each driving experience into an extraordinary journey, uniquely tailored to every individual we have the pleasure of working with.