Welcome to our website

"At BDEcalibrations, we are more than just automotive enthusiasts; we are creators and innovators driven by a passion for transforming cars into sources of excitement and joy. Our journey began with a blend of hands-on experience and technical expertise, from my engineering days at General Motors to racing in high school nationals. Our commitment to this lifestyle deepened in 2022 when we embarked on Drag Week with our ATS. This adventure not only required us to master vehicle calibration but also sparked our growth and learning journey.

We take pride in holding the record for the world's quickest AWD LTG. Our specialization lies in maximizing the performance of the 6L45 and 6L50 transmissions, ensuring your vehicle's power is delivered smoothly and effectively. As authorized distributors of Xtreme-DI LLC's XDI injectors, we offer state-of-the-art fuel injection solutions, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Our in-house calibration expertise turns these injectors into integral parts of a finely-tuned power orchestra.

At BDEcalibrations, we believe in a personalized approach. Whether your goal is to set new records or enhance your driving experience, we work closely with you to bring your unique vision to life. Our services are designed to cater to your individual needs, providing a tuning experience that is distinctively yours. Join us in our quest for automotive excellence – let's create unforgettable memories together! "


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